New leaks on Samsung phones from the Galaxy M series


Oud Al Hazm

Recent leaks indicate that Samsung offers Galaxy M and Galaxy A series phones with LCD screens. New leaks have also revealed storage capacity for future releases.

Recent leaks indicate that Samsung offers Galaxy M and Galaxy A series phones with LCD screens. New leaks have also revealed storage capacity for future releases.

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Samsung is making some changes to the next versions of the midsize phones, which should be equipped with a fingerprint sensor with integrated ultrasound technology. Upcoming versions of the Galaxy M and Galaxy A include alternative AMOLED LCD screens used in current versions.

In the new leaks, information has been reported about the storage capacity of the next Galaxy M phones, which appeared in two models with SM-M205F and SM-M305F, or should be the Galaxy M20 and M30.

Leaks indicate that the Galaxy M20 offers two storage choices between 32 and 64 GB, while Samsung offers the M30 phone with two choices ranging from 64 to 128 GB and that both phones support two SIM cards.

Other leaks on the Galaxy M and Galaxy A phones are expected to be launched later in the day before the official announcement, with more details on Samsung's upcoming specs.

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