New Nokia mobile phone supports fingerprint-sensitive technology under the screen


  Leaks: New Nokia mobile phone supports fingerprint-sensitive technology under the screen
Leaks: New Nokia phone supports finger-print sensitive technology under the screen [19659003] The next smartphone will be Nokia's flagship phone of the year Under the name Nokia A1 Plus or Nokia 9.

HDM Global, the owner of the Nokia brand, continues to dazzle: in recent months he has built a range of low and middle price smartphones at very good prices, very.

According to a German website, HDM is currently working on the Nokia A1P phone, which could be its flagship phone this year, the phone can come with a curved screen and a new design and fingerprint sensor under the phone. screen, and will be supported by the Snapdragon 845 processor, Most major smartphones in 2018.

While Samsung is still working on fingerprint-sensitive technology under the screen in its upcoming Galaxy S10 at the beginning from 2019, it seems that HDM is more willing to launch a phone with this technology sooner.

However, we plan to show and show on the Nokia A1P or Nokia 9 – whatever it is – supported by the Android P version at the IFA conference in Berlin, Germany, at the end of the month of # 39; August. Source: Andorra

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