News 24 The Kingdom is a candidate for membership of the ITU Council of 193 countries


PhotoThe Kingdom will be a member of the ITU Council for four years and will remain a member of the Council since 1965, during its participation in the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference next Monday in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (29 October, 16 November 2018). For its membership of the Council of the Union, in order to strengthen its leading position at international and regional levels and its effective role in creating a consensus during the discussions and its contribution to the Member States for the construction of the present of the Union and the preparation of its future excellence.

The Kingdom is one of the most important members of the Federation Council thanks to its efforts to support the Union and to mobilize its specialized human resources and expertise in the ICT sector to support its activities since he became a member of the Union and a member of its Council. In accordance with the vision of the 2030 Kingdom.

During the conference, the Kingdom will lead several important issues at the international level, the most important of which is the development of the strategic and financial plan of the Union, the debate on international public policies related to the Internet and the role of the Union, strengthening the role of the Union in building confidence and cybersecurity, the World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) was convened to address the whole problems related to sectoral regulation at the international level.

In the context of the Kingdom, at the Conference, the Kingdom is appointed to the Radio Regulations Board, consisting of (12) members elected from among 193 countries selected from a committee specialized in the study of interference inter-State frequencies and the examination of State appeals on resolutions taken by the Radio Sector Board.

The Plenipotentiary Conference is the supreme decision-making body of the Union, the Plenipotentiary Conference, which is the main event in which ITU Member States decide on the future role of the Plenipotentiary Conference. Organization, thereby determining its ability to influence the evolution of information technology. Communications (ICT) and global orientation.

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