Newspaper: Ghosn probably bears personal investment losses on Nissan


Carlos Ghosn, former president of Nissan Motor in Paris, October 1, 2018.

TOKYO (Reuters) – Former Nissan Motor Co. chairman Carlos Ghosn has lost personal investment losses suffered by the automaker during the 2008 financial crisis, Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported on Tuesday.

When Ghosn asked the CEO for more guarantees, he transferred the rights to the related derivative transactions to Nissan, resulting in a loss of 1.7 billion yen ($ 15 million), according to the newspaper.

Asahi said the Securities and Exchange Commission had discovered it during the regular inspection of the year.

Nissan said it can not comment on the report. A spokesman for the Securities Commission said the commission did not comment on individual cases.

Ghosn is in custody in Tokyo after being arrested last week for alleged financial irregularities, including failing to report his real income for years. Ghosn denied the allegations.

Ghosn was fired from Nissan's board of directors following a unanimous vote last week and the presidency of his coalition partner, Mitsubishi Motors, on Monday.

Prepared by Ahmed Elhamy for publication in Arabic

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