Newspaper reveals secret of decline level of "Salah"


LONDON (Reuters) – Egyptians Mohamed Salah and Liverpool were sidelined last season, Liverpool Echo reported.

The journalist said in an interview with Egyptian sports expert Ahmed Yousef that the photo crisis, which erupted between Salah and the Egyptian Football Federation before the 2018 World Cup in Russia, was the first. One of the mobile phone companies subscribed to the objection by Salah, considering that the advertisement was intended for another competitor.

Youssef explained that the second reason was Mohamed Salah's exposure to the injury in the Champions League final against Real Madrid after a strong intervention by defender "Mernji" Sergio Ramos.

The third reason is the way the Egyptian Football Federation treated Mohammed Salah at the World Cup in Russia.

"Even the game against Eto's Squattini was very frustrating for him – he missed easy chances, but the goal he scored from the corner was incredible."

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