Now stealth mode in YouTube is widely available


Earlier this year, YouTube and YouTube began to refer to the incognito mode, whose first test was in May, now officially available to Android users only, with the sign that it happens progressively through the server. Want to use the YouTube app to watch a video without appearing in the history of your videos, or blurring your personal suggestions?

For this new feature, it works exactly as you want, without seeing anything in the search history or viewing. You can easily access the view in incognito mode and leave it, but the ease of Use is very simple. Just go to the main page of the application and click on the profile picture and you will get a list of options, here you will find the new option Activate Incognito "activate stealth" , press

 Now the stealth mode in YouTube is widely available ]

Once done, you will return to the main stream and the images will be replaced Your avatar with the navigation icon Private and a tab at the bottom will tell you that you are in incognito mode, and to disable private browsing, click the Avatar on the YouTube home page, and then click Disable Incognito Mode.

] Now stealth mode in YouTube is widely available

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