The Dubai public prosecutor accused a female nurse in the criminal court in a 28-year-old criminal court on Monday, who had assaulted her friend, hit him on the ground and hit his head on the pavement.

The prosecution stated that "the nurse paid the victim's head against the sidewalk and had bleeding blood in the macroscopic membrane of the brain, resulting in blood in the head and death of the victim".

Fight and fall
The accused admitted in the prosecutor's inquiries that he had had to quarrel with his friend for reasons related to ethics. He gave pay to fall to the ground, indicating that he had returned after half an hour and found him dead.

Trying to repudiate
Prosecutorial investigations revealed that one Asian had witnessed the incident and had been informed by the police, while the nurse was trying to evade responsibility, saying that Asians were 39, had pursued with his friend and had beaten him, resulting in his death.