Ober launches new features to facilitate communication between drivers and passengers


Uber has announced a new range of features designed to improve driver-passenger communication, and ease the difficulties faced by drivers and passengers during the capture process

Especially in crowded places or night. "We are constantly looking for new ways to overcome these problems, which reduce the number of flights and are often canceled – a procedure that leads to what we call waste supply – so we've built new features who, we hope, will help "

Ryan O. Yuber, Director of Passenger Products of Ober, said:" When a driver delays a passenger who goes to the place Designated for some reason, they get nervous because they do not know what they must necessarily look for. Is their address and location, so the process should have been simplified This feature will allow passengers to turn on their smartphone screen with a specific color reserved for the driver and the driver will receive a message indicating the color that will be assigned to him.

Spotlight will be added to other driver-related tools such as its name, car model and license plate number, and will usually be of interest when you request a new flight from Ober. accident case. A busy place like places where there is a sporting event or a concert and this leads to a difficult process

This is not the first time that the company resorts to the use of the colors to enhance the customer's capture experience.At the end of 2016, Ober unveiled his first tool Beacon Through the Uber application, the passenger can choose the color of 39 Beacon lighting, which allows him to easily find the driver in a sea of ​​cars.

This was an interesting step as it forced the company to spend money for its manufacture Beacons then distributes them to the drivers, but the company says that they are still engaged in the tool if your Beacon driver will take precedence over the new Spotlight feature, says Ober from this week Beacons are available in 14 cities.

The second tool Booking flights in advance:

You can now, through the application of Ober, schedule your next flights by booking flights 30 days to In advance If the driver does not arrive at the time, give uber credit as a compensation that you can use on your next trip.

T ordering flights in advance, arguing that they would go against the goal of having an on-demand call service, but finally worked. The tool is likely to enhance Ober 's reputation as a reliable vehicle service for long trips such as airport flights or the like.

The Third Tool Pickup Messages

is a new tool that gives the passenger the ability to send a message to the driver with additional details to facilitate his arrival, such as "I'm wearing a red jacket "or" I'm standing in the corner ", while the app will read your messages aloud and drivers will click to answer. Distraction of the pilots.

All of these enhancements conform to current specifications To change the capture site and share your site momentarily so that your driver knows where you are.

is also working to improve the capture of Aweber points by creating new software tools to solve a problem in the accuracy of the GPS positioning system in large cities. The project, known as Shadow Maps, is being tested in dozens of cities in North America and has also begun to integrate with the new Oberland app.

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