On the anniversary of Sabah's death: her niece reveals new secrets of her life .. Video


Today, Monday, November 26, the Lebanese singer Sabah commemorates the death of the Lebanese singer, whose work and songs still remember every day, the daughter of her sister, Janou Fagali, unveiled many personal secrets and artistic.

Sabah's sister's daughter reveals new secrets about her aunt

Jano Feghali During her interview with this show, she stated that her Aunt Sabah had created her own Nguyetna without the help of anyone. Only a few were encouraged, including the producer and the actress. Asian Dagger, And managed to succeed with a lot of those who collaborated with them, such as the artist Farid al-Atrash, Mohamed Abdel Wahab and Abdel Halim HafezIn addition to the fact that many of her colleagues were close to her and still encouraged her as the planet of the East Umm Kulthum, Tahia Karioka and Samia Jamal And composer Mohammed Al-Moji and Hilmi Bakr.

A shocking position between Sabah and Farid Al-Atrash in his artistic debut

And Roth Jano Feghali A stand with the artist Morning In his early days with the artist Farid El AtrashWhen she went to the age of fifteen, Atrash was adopted on radio in the selection committee, she did not like her voice and told her that it was as if the voice of "goat" did not fit, but the situation did not frustrate him. Farid El Atrash She highly praised but stipulated that her name be placed in front of her name as she did not forget this post.

Opinion of the Sabah family in the series "Shahroura"

And notice Morning And his family in the series that dealt with his story and presented by the singer Carole SamahaShe says Jano Feghali The Morning She was very happy about the job and the whole family was watching her heartily. Joo added that the production company had been waiting for a period that had allowed the show to be better presented, because the public had not seen the critics and the elegance of the usual morning.

Janu said Carole Samaha In the series, she used real dresses MorningAnd confirmed that she had hoped to play a role Morning After the age of forty years artist Nelly Because they look like him in his soul, his hair and his love of life, but the production company has been seen from the beginning Carole Samaha, Also revealed that Morning I asked her to embody her personality but she –Jano Feghali– Refused the justification for the failure of serial publication.

In the same context confirmed Jano Feghali That morning relationship with the brown nightingale Abdel Halim Hafez It was fine and it was a motive for reconciliation between him and the singer Farid El AtrashAnd then made a lot of determination for them at home.

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