Ooredoo launches a new mobile broadband offer


Ooredoo has launched a new show on separate Mobile Broadband packages, marking the achievements of the Ooredoo Supernet network in 2018.

The new offering is designed to allow customers to take advantage of the Internet by providing them with free additional data over a 6-month period with all new subscriptions to these plans.

The new offering provides customers with 12GB of additional data over a 6 month period (2GB per month) when you subscribe to the QR90 unlimited Internet and 18GB (3GB per month) plan when you subscribe to the Unlimited Internet Plan of a value of QR110. S

It also offers its customers 24GB (4GB per month) with an unlimited number of 150 QAR, 30GB (5GB / month) with 200 QAR and 36GB (6GB / month) with unlimited Internet bandwidth of QR250, 42GB for 6 months (7GB per month) with the unlimited Internet package of QR350

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