Osama Khalil calls the Ismaili government to follow the approach of Mahmoud Khatib .. Video


Osama Ismail Khalil, the former star of Ismaili, revealed three solutions that Darwish needed: until the club returned to its previous position, powerful competitor of various tournaments.

"The Ismailis need a technical committee that makes logical recommendations on transactions or deaths, as well as on the satisfaction of the current stars of the team and does not take into account the opinion of the brokers around the board, "said Khalil in statements to the Al-Maash program presented by Hani Hathout on Echo Al-Balad.

He stressed that Ismailis should not underestimate the stars of the team and their care, and not repeat the mistakes that occur in recent years.

Osama Khalil, the board of directors of Darwish, led by Ibrahim Osman, followed the example of Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of Ahli, and what he did after the defeat Al Ahmar to the African Champions League to clarify the situation in a transparent and clear manner.

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