Ozil is loyal to Germany and its Turkish origins


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Gulf 365 follow-up – Abu Dhabi – German midfielder Massoud Ozil regretted taking a photo with Turkish President Erdogan. His loyalty to the national team before the start of the 2018 World Cup.
Ozil broke the silence he had committed during the World Cup because of this image that caused him a lot of controversy and anger and confirmed in his statement that he was faithful to his Turkish origins. , And Egypt at the same time that he does not want
Ozil and his citizen Elkay Gundogan, both of Turkish origin, met Turkish President Erdogan in London, took him a picture and handed him two shirts, the first on his shirt "to the head".
Like many people, the roots of my predecessors belong to more than one country. As I grew up in Germany, my family established roots in Turkey. I have two hearts: one German and the other Turkish. "

Thanks for reading Ozil, a savior from Germany and its Turkish origins on the Gulf 365, and note that the subject's content was written by the Gulf and can be fully transcribed or quoted We are not responsible for the content of this news with the best wishes of Happy Day.

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