Ozil's father encourages him to leave the team and criticizes the German federation


Massoud Ozil's father confirmed Sunday that his son should leave Germany after being "scapegoat" after coming out of the first round of the World Cup in Russia.
Ozil, 29, was criticized in Germany after the disappointment of the World Cup of Russia, where the team lost its title by the fourth and finally in the group in the first round.

Pressure on Arsenal's English midfielder was already strong in front of the tournament because of the photo he had collected with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and used to question his loyalty to l & # 39; Germany.

Oliver Bierhoff, former international and former coach of the German national team, on Friday downplayed the situation of Ozil, a Turkish national, pointing out that the player's services should have been removed because he had not specified his position on the Turkish president. "In my opinion, he (Bierhoff) is trying to save himself," Mustafa Ozil's father said in an interview with German Health Minister Bild am Sonntag.

Bierhoff later apologized for what he said, saying that he was "wrong".

Ozil's father considered that his son had agreed to take a picture with Erdogan solely for "literature", and had never intended to be a political statement, and forbade him from clarifying his position in public.

"He does not want to clarify his position, does not want to defend himself, he played with the German team nine years ago and crowned him world champion. "

"He contributed a lot to this country, but the situation was as follows: if we win we win together, and if we lose, we lose because of Ozil, now he is criticized as a scapegoat, and I can understand if he is insulted. "

He went to see his son telling him if he was going to stay with the national team or not: "I have to decide for myself, but if I were in his place, I would say thank you very much, "he said. Staff. "

Ozil and his hometown Elkay Gundogan, both of Turkish origin, met Turkish President Erdogan in London last May and took a picture with him and handed him two shirts, the first on his shirt. "To my master".