Palestine – Entgram surprised its users with a new design


(MENAFN – Palestine News Network) Inauguram renews how user profiles are displayed, by modifying buttons and application icons to help users better "express themselves".

Entgram said that he was testing the new profile interface design, which included smaller changes in the followers icon, which have been changed since the top, as it is currently the case in the application, a little in the way of the Twitter application.

The new design also includes a modification of the message icon, located next to the Followers icon, above the user's profile and image, in the upper corner left of the interface.

The new design does not bring radical change to Instagram, but presents subtle differences in the way users navigate the application.

This is not the first change made by Instagram to its application, it has recently added a feature that measures the time required for the user to browse the application in order to reduce social network dependency, and announced the elimination of fake users and followers.

According to InStagram, such subtle changes will help the social network to provide a smoother experience to its users, although the fact that one billion users a month, in June 2018, indicates that its experience is sufficiently satisfactory .

The new app design is expected to reach users within a few weeks.


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