Parental dependence on smart devices .. What to do with children?


A new study found a link between the excessive use of smart devices by parents and behavioral problems in their children.

The study, published in the British Daily Mail, reported Friday that the excessive use of smartphones by the study was conducted by researchers from the University of New York. 39, Illinois and Michigan and included 200 families with children, and lasted 6 months, to measure the weak interaction between parents and their children due to the addiction of technology.

Scholars set a standard

Thirty-two parents acknowledged their reliance on smart devices and about half of families said that smart devices prevented conversations with their children three times a day.

According to the study published in the journal "Research Pediatrics", parents in the United States use smart devices 9 hours a day, a third of them on the phone. The study showed that the bad behavior of children is closely related to the maternal dependence on smart phones.

Scientists say parents addiction to phones To be smart at the expense of family activities, such as play and eat, pointing out that these times are important in the training of emotional children.

"Sky News Arabia"

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