Paris Muslims exposed the double standards of the far right


  "Fatwa": Paris Muslims reveal the standards of the far right double
"Fatwa": Muslims Parisians expose the standards of the far right

From the Egyptian House of Fatwas , that the French Muslim players contributed to the joy of the French, and exposed the standards of extreme double extreme, where the players of the Muslim supporters of France to the great victory of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, in the middle of Islamophobia in France.

The Observatory showed that the French national team, which included seven Muslim players, outperformed in the final and in all matches of the France team at the World Cup, and that it has largely contributed to the remarkable gain of France.

As part of the observatory, the Muslim footballers of the French national team are: Paul Bugba, Djibril Sidibe, Adel Rami, Benjamin Mende, Nigolo Kanti, Nabil Feker and Osman Dembili, they are also on the other side of their name. – Africans and Arabs too.

The Observatory pointed out that most of the French media did not mention from near or far that these players who delighted the French and realized the remarkable gain of France are Muslims, whereas They emphasize this affiliation when a Muslim commits acts of terrorism. One billion Muslims and some of these media are calling on all Muslims and Islamic institutions to apologize for these individual crimes.

The Observatory pointed out that the reference to these Muslim players does not mean good and the role of French Muslims in France's victory in the World Cup, the goal of reference to recall right-wing extremists in France with their double standards. [19690001] Related Topics

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