Petzee sets the date for the announcement of the green list


Saudi national coach Juan Antonio Pietzi decided to announce the team on 1 September, which will take place in the preparatory camp and preparatory program offered by Betzi from 3 to 11 September.

And two international friendly days in FIFA's international friendly matches in the same period as the Saudi team will play in East Province.

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According to Saudi press reports, Green Camp will last 8 days, and the rally will be for the team after the end of the first round of the Saudi star league that will be launched next month.

It should be noted that Betzi recommended to the Saudi federation to play At the time of FIFA, it would remain in 2018, probably between October and November during the short camps.

International players will miss their clubs in several rounds of the upcoming Saudi league season of the six rounds, They will then be at the Nations Cup of Asia (19659009) Related entries [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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