Politics Home "Agreements of Abu Dhabi" .. "China" wins the first battle in the trade "Washington"


"We inform you of the creation of the United Arab Emirates." This is the first time that relations between the UAE and China begin, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan sending a speech in December 1971 to former Chinese Prime Minister Xu Enlai. The first official visit of Chinese President Yang Chang-kun to the Emirates took place in December 1989.

Since then, Abu Dhabi has not had any official visits until last Thursday when the emirate was witnessed the first visit of Chinese President Xi Jin Ping ", comes in the wake of a trade war waged by" Pyongyang "with" Washington "several months ago, vinegar Vltm UAE has more than 200,000 nationals Chinese, some 4,000 Chinese trading companies, and the annual trade volume between the two countries surpassed $ 50 billion, making UAE one of the largest trading partners.

Both countries agreed to strengthen the cooperation in the field of electronic commerce and construction of special economic zones for export, the establishment of industrial projects, industrial integration based on investment partnerships effective and exchange of expertise and technology.

Chinese President: The UAE is an Ideal Model for Development and Prosperity in the Arab World

In the area of ​​customs and taxation, both countries have agreed to cooperate and communicate between the relevant two countries. And called on both sides to continue negotiations to strengthen cooperation in air and air transport between the two countries, as well as cooperation in the aviation industry.

As the Chinese President received the medal of "Zayed" during the visit, The

"Companies in the target production chains are concerned," said William Zaret, president of the State Chamber of Commerce In China. "The psychology of commercial conflict has already had a big impact." About rate increases, while other companies fear that it could be hit in the subsequent tariff series. "Nearly 80% of US Chamber of Commerce members say the tariffs would affect their operations in China," Zarit said, while Trump said it wants to impose tariffs on Chinese imports of $ 505 billion.

China: We will not launch the first blow in the trade war

After weeks of unsuccessful negotiations, Washington imposed tariffs on July 25 on goods worth $ 34 billion worth of mechanical products and Chinese technology and threatened the United States And later imposed an additional tariff on goods worth 200 billion

"China opens to all countries of the world," replied Dr. Mohsen al-Khudairi, economist , emphasizing that "China is open to all the countries of the world". "The project of the Silk Road, which Beijing hopes to set up to connect all the countries of the world, is reflected posi on all trade and sends strong messages to Washington's trade war, but the effects of the China-Gulf rapprochement will not be profitable. 19659003] and allocated $ 124 billion to China for the project to be a path of "peace and free trade".

describes the doctor Rashad Abdo, president of the Egyptian Forum of Economic Studies, went to Beijing for Chinese attempts to turn the crisis into an advantage by signing trade agreements between the two countries of one country. value of $ 130 billion, reducing the US commercial acquisition in the Gulf region, For the "home", and this shows competition and alternative markets for Chinese products that are cheaper and more efficient than their counterparts Americans, making the Gulf a new battle in the trade war between the two countries.

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