Politics Home Learn the details of the total eclipse of the longest moon of the 21st century


On July 27, the world observes one of the most important astronomical events of the current century, coinciding with the completion of the moon of the month of Dhul Qa'd, and many countries of the world. the world will be able to follow the longest eclipse of the moon in the 21st century. Astronomy, the next Friday will see the total eclipse of the moon, which corresponds to the calendar of the month of Dhu al-Qadah 1439 Hijri Badr, and covers the shadow of the Earth on 161% of the moon's surface

Dr. Ashraf Tadros, head of astronomy at the National Institute of Astronomical Research Eclipse is the longest in the current century as a single event, and continues to [6]

Tadros added that this is the longest eclipse because the moon is in the farthest part of the country, the Earth's orbit, so it takes a long time to come out of total darkness, which will reach more than two hours , and then gradually emerge from the shadows of the earth, pointing out that it can be followed in several regions of Europe, Asia and Africa. The phenomenon begins immediately after sundown on Friday and stretches until midnight, when the moon will be slow to move
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