Prince Charles pledges to stay out of the controversy when he becomes king




42 minutes November 9, 2018
– Last updated in
November 8, 2018 / 23:06

The British Crown Prince, Charles, said in an interview in which he spoke in an unusual way about his future role that he would stop commenting on controversial issues when he would become king.

Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth, often intervenes in a wide range of areas ranging from architecture to the environment, lobbying ministers and issuing public statements.

But he told the BBC in a documentary about his 70th birthday that he had no intention of becoming a king immersing himself in business with which he was not supposed to ingest. "I totally understand that the king's work is completely separate, and I know exactly how things should go."

When asked if he would continue his public campaign after becoming king, Charles replied, "No, that will not be the case, I'm not so stupid." The British royal family stands out generally politics, which the queen of 92 years mastered since his coronation in 1953.

Prince Charles, however, exerted pressure on various issues during the exchange of exchange messages with ministers. He is also known for his harsh stances on contemporary architectural designs. The prince used a speech in 1976 to denounce an expansion project of the National Gallery in London, describing it as "a contemptuous behavior on the face of a classy and beloved friend". The plan has been abandoned.

The documentary helped to better understand the positions of Prince Charles when he ascended the throne.

He explained that he had never intervened in party affairs and that he understood the difference between his current role and the role he would play if he became king.

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