Promises to leave and the new Champions League puts Ahli on the brink of a new crisis


Al Ahly experienced a new crisis at the end of this year, following the decision of the Confederation of African Football (CA) to change the dates of the Champions League, from the next edition of August to May of each year.

The African Union has decided to hold the next edition of the tournament in late November this year, after the end of the current version of about two weeks, and to squeeze the tournament to complete the tournament in May, from the month of August 2019.

The long-announced decision of the African Union is going to provoke a major crisis for Red Bull, which is fighting the current version of the group and is making great efforts to qualify for the next league and win the title absent from his coffers since 2013.

Ahli in the current summer transfer period has prevented the departure of many of his players because of the association of the team with the African championship, with some promises to allow them to leave permanently or in ready. Ideal for the red team.

The crisis is that if Al Ahly qualifies for the final, he will be forced to participate in the new version two weeks later, which means that the opportunity to abandon the players will be very difficult as much as there will be no time to conclude, Given the pressure of the matches that will suffer the tournament.

The Ahli football team promised the Moroccan duo Walid Azzaro and Tunisian Ali Maalouel, as well as Mamoun Zakaria, to allow their departure in the transitions of January, which would be very difficult to put up if Red wanted to compete for the title next season. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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