Property damage is a common procedure among luxury brands


Details of this story Damage to property A common procedure among luxury brands

Paris [AFP]

Damage to unsold goods is common, as did the Burberry group, luxury brands that do not resort to discounts or the qualifiers and want to avoid at all costs that his clothes and bags are finished on the parallel market.

In its annual report, the British luxury brand Burberry said to have "destroyed" goods last year with £ 28.6 million, or about 31 million euros. A third of the products were cosmetics, which the company justified by selling its perfumes and cosmetics division to the American group Coti.

The media and social media have been heavily involved since Thursday in a 200-page sentence. But Burberry is only one of many brands among luxury goods that have a policy of destroying unsold goods. "This is a very common procedure in the fashion community, all groups that produce luxury and luxury goods that do not have general discount policy, so stocks should be destroyed," said Arnault Kadar, Florenwa & Co. spokesperson

"The shorter the cycle, the greater the amount of destroyed goods, and when companies organize special sales for their employees or journalists, it means selling at low prices. price and flood the market. "He pointed out that these destruction operations are counted in the financial records of companies, but in a way" unclear under the title of small depreciation of stocks … more

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Source: Journal of the United Arab Emirates

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