Protocol between Egypt and the UAE to cooperate in the field of investment in the media


– Mohammed Abdul Wahab, Deputy Executive Chairman of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), President of the Public Free Zone Media and Mahmoud Khalil Al Hashimi, Executive Director of Ajman Free Media City, signed Friday a protocol of cooperation between Public Free Zone Media and Ajman Free Media City to promote relations in the field of media investment in free zones.

This protocol is part of a fruitful cooperation and in the spirit of fraternal relations existing between Egypt and the United Arab Emirates in different areas of cooperation, including investments to maximize the benefits for both countries. Strengthen these relations through cooperation in the field of investments in the free zones, recognizing that this cooperation will exchange experiences and enrich the investment arena and the media in both countries.

Executive Vice President of the General Authority of Free Zones According to Sahar Nasr, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, the region seeks to attract more investment by providing benefits, exemptions and incentives to free zones, as well as the enjoyment of free zones in the Middle East. It has a unique location near the country's vital areas and a basic infrastructure catering to all the requirements of companies working in this area.

This protocol aims to exchange business and investment opportunities to facilitate cooperation in the field of media. The free media within the limits approved by the law on investment and all the climate-related developments of media investment of the two countries and make them available to companies with a view to conclude bilateral agreements and d & # 39; Establish joint projects for investment in the media. Exchange of trade missions and follow-up of these visits between the two countries, organization of conferences and seminars on the investment in the media and the management of the free zones, as well as the organization of mutual meetings between investors and companies Interested Encourage investors from both sides to enter into cooperation agreements, contracts and treaties in the information field, strengthen and encourage the exchange of expertise and technical know-how as well as training opportunities between the two parties. Said that the relationship between Egypt and the UAE is a fraternal relationship, pointing out that Egypt is a pioneer in the field of media at the level of the Arab world, so Ajman City is working to benefit from the l & # 39; Egyptian expertise in this field, Investment in the field of information between the two countries.

Ajman Media Free City aims to position Ajman Emirate in the map of media centers in the Gulf and the Middle East by developing and implementing appropriate strategic plans to attract media production companies and advertising and advertising agencies. tourism. (19659008) (function (d) {var js, id = facebook-jssdk # if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = ""; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head (#); [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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