Ragheb Alama congratulates Saad Hariri on the occasion of his wedding anniversary


Ragheb Alama congratulated Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri on the occasion of his marriage.

Ragheb Alama has published a photo of Saad Hariri and his wife through his official account on the social networking site Instagram. Saad Hariri, on the occasion of his wedding anniversary and his esteemed wife Mrs. Lara. "A sign," he said, "twenty years ago, a phone rang and on the other side, Prime Minister Martyr Rafik Hariri told me of his love and humble manner."

Sarda continues: "It was a night that can not be forgotten by the atmosphere of love and joy on the faces of all present.Consultations and Nsahlp Iqbal Mia year and Anshalh Iqbal joy of your Sheikh Saad children. "

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