Ragheb Alama filmed a video for his new song "Reddy Kalamati"


The superstar Ragheb Alama has asked fans and fans, via his official pages on social networking sites, to send him a video clip of his new song, "Ridley Kalamati".
"I enjoyed this time choosing an idea to choose for the new clip," he said on television that he has published. "The superstar has asked his followers, especially their creators, to present their creative ideas in order to choose the one he would like to shoot.

Super Star has released the lyrics of his new song, "Riddy My Words".
The superstar has already shown the public a video of his own video of the distributor Nasser Al Assaad studio in Beirut to officially announce the upcoming launch of the new song, one of the lyrics of the poet Tony Abu Karam, composed by Mahmoud Eid.

Superstar Ragheb Alama, ambassador for the Center for Childhood Cancer in Lebanon in 2018, welcomes the annual dinner organized for the center in the United Arab Emirates, the first on the 15th of this year at the Rotana Beach Hotel in Abu Dhabi and the second at the 24th anniversary of the "Armani Hotel Pavilion" in Dubai.

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