Rare discovery for NASA .. A strange glacier "never seen before"! (Photos)


The US space agency NASA unveiled a unique rectangular shaped iceberg cake that took pictures during a multi-week trip to Antarctica.

Images published by the agency on Twitter showed a rectangular shape of iceberg, an unusual form of glacier in this region, usually with sharp peaks and unequal edges.

NASA spotted the rectangular iceberg just off the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula near the sea-ice floe of Larsen, where NASA is conducting an investigation that began on October 10 and will continue until the end of June. November 18th.

The "iceberg cake" is one of two types of glaciers classified according to their form, called unplanned glaciers, which are large layers of ice with vertical sides and flat tops.

NASA's current trip to Antarctica aims to conduct a polar ice aerial survey to obtain a three-dimensional vision, which will provide essential information on how to change them over time.

"We often see icebergs with fairly straight edges, but I've never seen a mountain like this," said Jeremy Harbeck, a NASA scientist who oversees the project.

These icebergs can have a large area, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of square kilometers, such as an iceberg of 11,000 square kilometers, the largest iceberg ever recorded.

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