Receive flowers for the third world football uniform


The Special Olympics team from the United Arab Emirates arrived yesterday at the Abu Dhabi International Airport with 21 members including 16 players, the delegation was welcomed by the delegation and welcomed by Mohammed Al Nuaimi, member of the Special Olympics Council and Fatima Ibrahim, general coordinator. The United Arab Emirates Special Olympics team, "The Will Team", has been crowned by the World Cup in Chicago for six consecutive days since July

The People of Will

L & # 39; Honorable Shama Bint Suhail Al Mazroui, "We are proud of the success of the UAE national team in this World Cup and reaching third place in the world, to affirm the merit and the deserve that they already have the will and success and turn the impossible into a possible one. " [1965"Nosremerciementsetnosremerciementsauxjoueursetàl'équipetechniqueetadministrativequinousaaccompagnéspourlapassionquenousavonsressentiepouréleverlerangdesEAUleurseffortscontinusenpréparationdurantlapériodeprécédenteétaientunbonexempled'engagementetdedirectiondecettevictoireEmiratsArabesUnisenraisondeleurrôledanslesoutiendenosenfantsquisontmotivésetoffrentlesmeilleuresopportunitésauniveaulocaletglobal"

Futures Positions

Talal Mustafa Al Hashemi, member of the Board of Special Olympics UAE, said, S

For our part, Mohammed Salah, coach our national football team, confirmed that one step was the final of the final, after an exciting match with the Uruguay national team, ended with penalties, and we are happy to participate And the acquisition of expertise, especially in this tournament, which included the strongest teams in the world, probably the most xperience will be a good preparation for the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019.

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