Reveal the real reason for the failure of Real Madrid's negotiations with Conti


MADRID (Reuters) – Real Madrid have failed to negotiate with Italian coach Antonio Conte the technical direction of the team for the coming period after the Spanish media announced that the dismissal of coach Julien Lobetigui was due to the poor results of the 2018-19 season.

The former coach of Chelsea was the first choice to manage the Spanish club Madrid under the leadership of President Florentino Perez in order to compensate for the possible departure of his Spanish coach, who failed to win a single victory in the last seven games played by the team in all competitions, drawing one draw and five others.

Officially: Real Madrid announces the dismissal of Julien Lopegeti and Solari succeeding him temporarily

But Perez did not reach an agreement with Conte to take over the technical direction of the team and succeed Obitegi in an attempt to save the Meringhi season from failure and get out of the season with any title, whether it's the Spanish League, the King's Cup or the Champions League.

Antonio Conti

Negotiations failed for the first time. Antonio Conte, Florentino Perez and Real Madrid manager Jose Angel Sanchez, want to be at the height of Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, Ernesto Valverde and Diego Simone, who each receive 11 million euros per season .

Read / Y Also: There are hours to contract with Conti … Real is destroyed again!

This amount is very high for the amount that Real Madrid wants to give the next coach, especially since the contract signed by the club with Lopetigi last summer was required to get 6 million euros. by season, but Conté's demands are very large for what the club wants to pay. .

The second reason is that Conté wants to impose his conditions from the start: he wants above all to have a future guarantee for his next season, and not just a temporary coach for Meringhi until the end of the 2018-19 season.

Antonio Conti

These demands of Antonio Conti pushed Florentino Perez and Jose Angel Sanchez to put Conté on the waiting list to study all the options before making the final decision as to the name that will replace Lupetegi on the substitutes of Santiago Bernabeu in the future as a permanent coach.

The club confirmed in an official statement posted on his official account on Twitter and on the club's official website that he had agreed at his Tuesday night meeting that Lopegeti's contract with the club after the game's strong defeat Alklasico.

The white team was eliminated by the Barcelona club at Camp Nou on Sunday with five goals against a goal in its clash, known as "Classico Earth" in the tenth round of the Spanish league.

"The decision aims to change the atmosphere of the first team so that there is a great chance to achieve the desired goals this season, the culmination of the championships for which the team participates. , including La Liga and the Champions League.

Real Madrid said the quality of Lopegeti's work with the players was seriously threatened. Eight players were named to the Meringue for the next Golden Ball, which did not happen in the history of the club when the results did not make everyone happy.

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