
RILAM Investments has allocated $ 50 million to several programs to support emerging companies in the areas of financial technology, fleet management, Qin block, artificial intelligence, participatory economics and services.

The company launched its Rialm Star Business Accelerator program, which aims to support and motivate young global leaders in a number of key economic sectors with a bright future.

The program is a unique Arab incubator designed to reward winning companies during the competition rounds that they lead in order to select the most worthy companies that will receive a package of technical, technical and financial assistance to provide added value to these value-added businesses.

The program helps emerging companies conduct feasibility studies and market research, as well as support for Hitachi's integrated system, at a time when knowledge and technology have become the cornerstone of the success of larger companies.

Attract institutions

Sultan Ali Lootah, Chairman of the Board, said: "At Rialam Investment, we believe that new ideas and innovations that change the world come from the minds of young entrepreneurs, and we do not seek to attract institutions or Existing businesses, needs to be nurtured and encouraged, especially in this time of profound technical transformations in all sectors of the world. "

Abdullah Ali Rashed Lootah, founder and CEO of Riram Star, said:

"The RILAM STAR program will make a quantum leap in the IT field thanks to the diversity of program themes and applied work mechanisms, and at RILAM STAR we will provide entrepreneurs with a new work environment based on partnership and continuous development. between the company and its partners funded by the program. "

Economic model

"Rialm Investments' business model is focused on profit and risk sharing with emerging companies that we will select and support to strengthen their market position and strengthen their competitiveness in the sectors we are currently focusing on. of partnership, the establishment of an extended and unspecified business relationship with some funding, so that we can invest in the future.

We chose the UK capital to launch RILAM STAR to capitalize on what London represents as a global financial center and one of the world's leading innovation hubs. In the future, we will strengthen our presence through RILAM STAR in the world. Other world ".

Innovative ways

Bob Doyle, head of London & Partners' in-house investment division, spoke about Rillam Star's innovative ways of choosing companies that fund and support technology.

Michael Jord, Advisor to Hitashin Integrated, Reliance Star Technical Partner and President of MLG Block Chin, Canada, said, "We are proud to have worked together for the Reel Star team and together with the RILAM STAR team, we create a new, innovative and unique model, in tune with the knowledge economy era, to create an environment for global startups based on Hitachi technology. "

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