The club announced Tuesday that it had signed a contract with Swedish goalkeeper Robin Olsen of Copenhagen, Denmark.
The club said on its website: "We wish to announce the final redemption of Robin Olsen of Copenhagen for a sum of 8.5 million euros, with additions, up to a maximum of 3.5 million euros, depending on the player's participation and the completion of the tournaments with the team. "
" In addition to the Copenhagen Club a sales rate of 10% In the future, the player has signed a long-term contract with the club running until June 30, 2023. "
I dettagli dell & # 39; operazione https: // t .co / IwlyHW93OJ pic.twitter.com/CxHYEYHPSu
– AS Rome (@OfficialASRoma) July 24, 2018
Olsen is goalkeeper of Sweden and has spent his last three seasons in Copenhagen, he also took part in the last world championship in Russia and kept a blank sheet in three of his five matches. ] if (typeof fbq === & # 39; undefined & # 39;) {
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