Russia 0-0 Croatia .. Live coverage

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Teams Russian and Croatian nationals have never before faced an official championship, which gives the match a clean flavor.

The winner will meet the England team on Wednesday night in Moscow, in the second half -final of the World Cup.

The Russian team begins with a formation in which the star Cherishiv returns: 19659001] Guardian: Igor Akiniviev For the defense: Elia Kutipov, Sergei Ignaczewicz, Mario Fernandez, Fedor Kudryashov, For the center: Alexander Semidov, Roman Zubnin, (19459004) Guardian: Daniel Sobasic , Czech Republic, Czech Republic, For the defense: For the defense: Ivan Strenic, Do mogoy Vida, Dian Lofrin, Simi Versaliko for the attack:

S6: First Croatian danger from his "dynamic" star Ante Ribic, who shot from 39 a shot before being carried away by the Russian goalkeeper.

Brazilian referee Sandro Ricci launches a whistle "The stadium is full of Russian fans, but that may not be enough for the talents of Croatia."

The entire Russia will stand behind the host country, hoping to buckle the hosts' adventure and reach half. The final, but the task will not be easy to face the Croatian team favorites.

Never before the Russian national team (19659001) and the winner will meet the England team Wednesday night in Moscow, in the second semifinal of the World Cup.

The Russian team begins with a training in which the team will come back. For the defense: Elia Kutipov, Sergey Ignaczewicz, Mario Fernandez, Fedor Kudryashov, For the center: Alexander Artem Zyuba

The Kar Team For the defense: Ivan Strenic, Domogoy Veda, Dian Lofrin, Simi Versalico In the center:

S6: Croatia's first danger with its "dynamic" star Ante Ribic, who, (19659001) Brazilian referee Sandro Ricci launches the first whistle at Vicht stadium in Sochi, a stadium full of fans. Russian yen, but this may not be enough in front of the talents of Croatia.

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