Russia and Croatia .. the owner of the land and the black horse


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Croatia and Russia have enough to succeed and reach the FIFA World Cup 16, but they have to repeat their offensive and offensive performance in the group stage when they meet today. In the quarter-finals of Sochi. The Russians started the tournament with the lowest score among the participants, but the team defeated Saudi Arabia 5-0 in opening, and then 3-1 against Egypt before defeat 3 -0 face Uruguay at the end of the group stage.

Russia changed the way it played against Spain in the role of the [16]

But Russia itself paid its players once to the goal within two hours of the original time and additional time, and goalkeeper Igor Akinfiev had to score two penalties to reach


The Russian team is widely relies on his talented coach Stanislav Cherchisov, who has made a surprise and is gaining more and more popularity in his country. "The secret of our success is not just the starting line, but everyone in the team, along with the coaching team and the coaching staff, is in the same direction, "said Elia Kutipov, a Russian player. "We were both united, no matter we play or not, you can feel the support of all players in the team." While Croatia achieved an impressive offensive performance, it beat Nigeria, Argentina and Iceland in the first round.

Your performances The team of Zlateko Dalic scored at least two goals in each of his three first-round matches, including a goal against Argentina thanks to players such as Luka Modric and outstanding strikers such as Mario Mandzukic, Ante Rebeche and Andre Kramaric and Ivan Pricic. Croatia has a stronger attack from Spain and can pose a lot of problems to Russia by passing quickly and getting through to Mandzukic. "I think we first have to focus on ourselves because I think our team has more capabilities and we need to show the pace on the pitch," Ribech said.

Modrich, Ivan Rakitic, Mario Mandzukic, Ivan Bericic … the names of which every trainer dreams, Zlatek Dalić seems to do his best

Dalić, 51, took the head of the Octo team. 2017 after falling to his home tied with Finland overwhelmed 1-1 in the World Cup qualifiers. He led it to the final of the European striker against Greece and oversaw the team's progress despite things that were not good outside the green rectangle.

Dalić has imposed his character on the team and the strength of the team will be at stake. The Croats have not had good experiences with the hosts of the major leagues, in the semi-finals from 1998, they overcame their progress against France, falling 1-2 with two goals from Lilian Thuram.

32-year-old Real Madrid proved their mettle against Denmark in penalty shoot-out. [19] To face goalkeeper Casper Schmeichel, who faced a penalty just minutes before. Modric succeeded this time.

[1905901] Fernandez of Brazil

Mario Fernandez was invited to defend the Brazilian national team in 2014, but he will play the quarters of final today. For the World Cup Final with Russia, the country where he became "somebody else" after being able to overcome the depression that he suffered in his country of 39; origin.

[Lufren]: We will overcome the generation of football

Croatian football player Diane Lovern said Monday that the current generation of Croatia led by Luka Modric, in 2018 World Cup, to achieve a better performance than the 1998 generation in the World Cup in France led by Sucre.

Akinaviev takes the limelight

When the Russian and Croatian teams meet for football today, the goalkeeper Russian Igor Akinaviev will be honored after his role in the arrival of his team at this stage.

Zlateko Dalic, 51, took captaincy in 2017 after falling on a par with Finland. Submerged 1-1 in the World Cup qualifiers. (19659004)

Dalić has imposed his character on the national team, and the character strength of the team would be at stake against Russia. On his own land. The Croats did not have a good experience with the hosts of the major tournaments: in the semifinals of 1998, they overcame their progress against France, falling 1-2 with two goals from defender Lilian Thuram. At the 2014 World Cup, Croatia dropped again to welcome Brazil in the first round that she could not beat.

In the current 2018 edition, Croatia has achieved its best performances, especially against Argentina, At the end of the match, Zlatko presented the best way to handle the match, and managed to control the area of ​​maneuvers and midfield and overcome the tango

Cherchisov: Putin's support for the team ]

The Russian coach Stanislas Cherchisov confirmed yesterday that the words of encouragement to the country's President Vladimir Putin gives an "extra boost to me and my team" on the eve of Croatia's quarter-final against the 2018 World Cup.

[19659003] At the press conference in Sochi, Spain and beyond. "The players know it and it's an extra motivation for us in terms of motivation."

The joy in the country was a great success after the victory, and the team faced many criticisms before the tournament began. In 1965, Cherchisov, 54, seemed modest on the eve of the clash of Croatia: "As a coach, I openly try not to watch television or read newspapers," he said. focuses on my work and that's all, "he said," I think the players are alike. It is good to remember the match against Spain, but now look forward to it. We will play a different game now at a different level in the quarterfinals. "

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