Russian billionaire collaborates with NASA in search of extraterrestrial life


Russian billionaire Yuri Milner plans to perform his first private mission in deep space, with the help of the US NASA space agency.

Milner hopes to reach the moon of Enceladus, which many experts say is the place most likely to contain a strange life in the universe.

According to the New Scientist website, the agreements signed by NASA and the Brick Thru Stars non-profit foundation last September show that the two organizations are working "on the preparation of scientific, technical and financial plans to carry out this project. ambitious task ".

NASA has allocated more than $ 70,000 to assist in conducting a pilot study of the aviation mission and will use this money to provide the necessary personnel for its execution.

Scientists say that the celestial body is the only planet in the solar system, unlike the Earth, which contains all the components necessary for life.

The moon reveals the presence of organic molecules, a pioneering compound of microbial life, in the underwater liquid oceans, according to scientists, through NASA probe readings earlier this year.

The scientists said the study results would guide future research on extraterrestrial life.

The agreement clearly states that Brick Thrutshot will direct and bear the costs of the mission and that he is the only one to have the power to decide whether to continue his mission.

NASA and ESA are currently considering funding their own assignments with Enceladus.

NASA's role in the new mission will be to provide scientific and technical advice, including "expertise in space biology, planetary, biological and terrestrial sciences, as well as global protection."

"The results will be of great importance to the next generation of exploration," said Dr. Christopher Glenn, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.

"A spaceship can fly in the future through a scepter column (an unusual hot rock wave inside the Earth's scepter) and analyze these complex organic molecules using high resolution mass spectrometry for help us determine how they are formed. "

Scientists have long suspected that the moon could accommodate a strange life since the discovery of an ocean beneath the moon's surface by NASA's Cassini spacecraft in 2015.

Source: Daily Mail

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