Samsung continues to delight the Galaxy Note 9 phone, this time with a focus on performance and memory


  Samsung continues to rock the Galaxy Note 9, this time focused on performance and memory
Samsung continues to delight the Galaxy Note 9, this time focused on performance and memory

Earlier in the day, The first of the Galaxy Note 9, a video that highlights the long-term battery life of its flagship tablet phone. Previous rumors say that the Galaxy Note 9 will have a large 4000mAh battery.

Now Samsung has launched new suspense videos for the Galaxy Note 9 as well. In the first teaser video, Samsung points out the fact that the Galaxy Note 9 will run faster than the rest of the competing phones, thanks to the fact that it will include the Snapdragon 845 processor, as well as at least 6 GB of RAM. The phone has 8GB of random memory.

In the second video teaser, Samsung highlights the large storage space that the Galaxy Note 9 will offer users. Previous reports have indicated that the base version of Samsung's flagship tablet will have 128GB of internal memory instead of 64GB, while The premium version will have up to 512GB of internal memory. Of course, this storage is sufficient for the majority of users. In general, you can watch the new thrill videos below:

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