Samsung Offers 12GB RAM Memory on Galaxy S10 Phones – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

The latest leaks revealed that the Korean giant was planning to support future versions of the Galaxy S10 with a 12 GB RAM for 5G phones.

The latest leaks revealed that the Korean giant was planning to support future versions of the Galaxy S10 with a 12 GB RAM for 5G phones.

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The latest versions of the Galaxy S10 have been released recently in a report examining the future of memory chips in smartphones, as well as the expected memory specifications for the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 Plus.

The memo, which leaked from a chart showing the plans of the giants of the manufacture of phones for future releases in the specification of random memory in particular, where the special versions of the Samsung Galaxy S10 and Huawei P30 from Huawei with random memory of 12 GB. Ram.

Samsung also offers three versions of the Galaxy S10 series, including specific 12GB RAM models to support fifth-generation mobile networks, which should be the Galaxy S10, Galaxy. S10 Plus and Galaxy S10 X 5G where the latter has 12 GB of RAM.

Xiaomi recently unveiled the first versions of the 10GB RAM, with the Mi Mix 3 and its gaming version, but Samsung and Huawei have bigger plans to support next year's releases with the best performances with the fifth generation of mobile networks.

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