Samsung offers a flexible and unbreakable OLED display


Samsung announced today a flexible OLED display panel: according to the South Korean company and UL Laboratories, the screen is unbreakable: the new motherboard has been subjected to a series of tests for an "unbreakable" "The company plans to use it on smart phones and other electronic products such as screens for car controllers, portable military devices, portable gaming platforms and tablets for eLearning.

UL is an OSHA official testing company of the US Department of Labor that has introduced the new OLED panels manufactured by Samsung for durability testing based on US Department of Defense military standards: The sides or edges were dropped 26 times consecutively at a height of 1.2 meters (4 feet) above the ground.

The painting was also tested of chu at a distance of 1.8 meters above the ground. Any sign of damage, the company led High temperature tests are 71 degrees (159.8 degrees Fahrenheit) and 32 degrees (degrees Fahrenheit), which can be integrated with the Galaxy Note 9, whose launch is expected next month, as well as to iPhone phones scheduled for the fall. "The reinforced plastic window is particularly suitable for portable electronic devices, not only because of their characteristics and unbreakable, but also because of their lightness, strength, toughness and portability," said Hojung Kim, general manager of Samsung Display. A bit like glass. "

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Samsung used an unbreakable layer whose name was not identified with a window that attaches securely to provide this panel Flexible OLED, As well as the use of a new type of shatterproof soft plastic such as glass, and the diaper is the basic cover that contains the organic matter of the screen and cathodes and Bilateral valves.

This panel can solve the screen crashing problems when it is used commercially. Hardware manufacturers do not provide free repair of broken screens, forcing users to pay more if such a command occurs. Apple, for example, asks for expensive screen replacement fees, and if these panels have reached the devices for the iPhone can be an excellent selling point for the company.

The company south-c Orean was the only supplier of OLED panels for the iPhone X. According to this year, Apple has also ordered large amounts of Samsung OLED panels for the new iPhone series this year. At the moment, there is clear information on whether Samsung and Apple will use these unbreakable panels on their smartphones this year.

Samsung is not the first company to boast of building an unbreakable screen: in 2015, Motorola claimed to offer an unbreakable screen with its Droid Turbo 2 phone and claimed that its phone was broken. News: Samsung offers a screen. OLED flexible and unbreakable .. Abandon the Journal of Secrets of the week is fully responsible for the content of this news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher of the news and the source is the site: aitnews [19659009News|Thelatestnewsnow-SamsungoffersanunbreakableflexibleOLEDscreen-youcanseethesourceoftheoriginalnewsofthefollowinglink:Thesecretsoftheweekandthesiteoftheunitdeclinesanyresponsibilityforthenewscontentbuttheresponsibilitylieswiththeoriginalpublisherofthenews [ad_2]
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