Sani talks about the competition with Riad Mehrez in Manchester City


Manchester City youngster Leroy Sani seems eager for the competitive spirit expected after the arrival of Algerian star Riad Mehrez.

Manchester City managed a few weeks ago to reach an agreement for the Algerian star and Leicester City

The city administration signed a five-season contract with the player to begin his career with the defending champion under Guardiola.After his arrival in the city, the offensive arsenal of the team has many names, His head is heavy The Argentine Sergio Aguero, with Rahim Sterling and Sani, as well as Kevin De Bruin and David Silva, playing at the back.

Mehrez has always been a typical striker, but the former Spanish coach has proved himself by changing the offensive tasks of the players.

The young German star Leroy Sani praised the spirit of competition that Riad Mehrez would bring to the team, pointing out that the team would greatly benefit from the case during the season.

Sani adds, "Mehrez is a great player, he will help us a lot, improve the team": "I think the team competition is very good for everyone, helping players get the best picture possible and preparing the team to play well. "

"The team list is what makes him better." Bernardo Silva is in the middle of the field. "

Leroy Sani concluded:" The many talented players on the team are helping to make so that everyone is in better shape and ready for matches. During the season, they can rest. "

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