Saudi Arabia "OPEC" that she pumped 10.488 million barrels a day of oil in June


<img class = "img-fluid entry-image w-100 lazyload" src = "×268.jpg" original-large = "×363.jpg" alt = "Saudi Arabia says at OPEC that it weighs 10.488 million barrels per day of oil [Juin19659002] Oil prices have fallen today, after US President Donald Trump posted a tweet on Twitter, demanding the Organization of Exporting Countries to oil

A source from OPEC said Thursday that Saudi Arabia had told the organization that it had pumped 10.488 million barrels of crude oil per day in June.

According to the latest OPEC oil report, the kingdom's output was 10.03 million bpd in May.

Oil prices dropped, After the president US t Donald Trump has posted a tweak on Twitter, demanding that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cut rough prices.

Oil prices were also affected by the growing trade dispute between Washington and Beijing, In Asian stocks, today, Washington warned that it could impose duties on US crude imports on an unspecified date.