Saudi club Al-Ittihad officially suspends incident of Hussein Abdul-Ghani and Hassan Moaz


Saudi club Al Ittihad suspended Hassan Moaz and Hussain Abdul Ghani of Ahad Club in the match between the two sides on Friday in the Saudi championship, which ended in a match. Nil 1-1.

Khaled Al-Shaneef, one of the shots of Al-Ittihad and Ahad in the sixth round of the championship, was probably the cause of the bloody clash between Hussein Abdelghani, a player, and Hassan Moath, player of the federation. Jeddah.

"We tried to search in the next 90 minutes to explain the difference between the players, we found only interference and obstruction of Hussein Abdul Ghani on Hassan Moaz at the end of the match, and the friction between them and a nervous speech are Why? "

"In commenting on the events that followed the confrontation against the team, and what happened between the players Hassan Maaz and Hussein Abdelghani, the club underlines its categorical rejection of such extravagant behavior. the two players, and stresses that the values ​​of the Union do not accept these actions and will apply the list of sanctions to the player Hassan Moaz for refusing, under no justification, actions that do not reflect the values ​​and ethics of sport in general.

"The administration welcomes the investigation of Turki Al-Sheikh, head of the General Authority of Sports in Saudi Arabia, but rejects the behavior of Hassan Moaz and asks for an investigation into the reasons for these acts ".

The league continued its series of negative results, after a draw for the second time, losing 4 times, without winning.

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