Saudi Faisali renews his contract with Abdul Aziz


Al-Faisaly Saudi renews contract with Abdul Aziz Nassim News, citing Al-Ahram Sport We publish Faisaly Saudi renews contract with Abdul Aziz, Al-Faisaly Saudi renews contract with Abdul Aziz We publish our visitors News from day through our news breeze and start with the most important news,

Naseem News The board of directors of Al Faisaly Saudi Club, led by Fahad Al Madalj, announced the renewal of the contract of Omar Abdulaziz, player of the first football team of a club, for a single season.

Social Network "twitter" twitter said "Omar Abdul Aziz G Faisaloya until the end of 2019."
For his part, Abdul Aziz expressed his great happiness in the team for next season, pointing out that he became a part of the club and can not see himself off the walls.
The player pointed out that he wants to provide a level that satisfies fans and lovers al-Faisali in the coming period in cooperation with his colleagues.
Al-Faisaly was ranked sixth in the league last season with 35 points.

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Source: Al Ahram Sport