Saudi Fransi Bank profits down 8.4% in the second quarter | News from the company


The net profit of Saudi Fransi Bank fell 8.4% in the second quarter to 921 million SAR, against 1 billion SAR in the same period last year.

The bank said in a statement posted on the Saudi Tadawul website The Bank's profit for the first half of 2018 decreased 3.6% to 2.03 billion SAR, against 2.1 billion USD at the same time last year.

The Bank attributes the decline of the current quarter over the same quarter of the previous year Total operating expenses to 18.54%.

This increase in total operating expenses is mainly due to the increase in the provision for credit losses, other general and administrative expenses, and provisions for other financial asset losses. and other operating expenses

. Commissions and trading revenues were partially offset by lower gains on financial instruments held at fair value through profit or loss, gains on over-the-counter investments, foreign exchange and dividend income, [19659006] // $ (& # 39; modal & # 39;). On (& # 39; & # 39 ;, function () {
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