Scarlett Johansson is criticized for accepting the role of a transgender man


Lifestyle: The American actress Scarlett Johansson has been criticized for accepting the role of a transgender man in a new film.

The star of "The Avengers-The Avengers" plays Dante "Ticks" Jill, leader of Mafia crimes in Pittsburgh in the 1970s in the United States, who gave birth to a woman named Jane Gill in the new movie "Rob Tag".

According to the obituary published by a local American newspaper for Dante, who died in 2003, Dante was known as a man, and he himself asked to be called "Mr. Gill".

A Twitter user wrote, "There are a lot of transgender representatives who could have been chosen to play this role."

The editor of Post Gazette in Pittsburgh, who refers to Dante as "According to the police – a series of massage parlors as a front of prostitution, while asserting all the time that she is a man, and tell everyone that she wants to know that "Mr. Gill. "

Adds the obituary: She may have finished the initial stages of changing her sex, making her look like a man."

Many have criticized Scarlett for accepting a role as a man. they attribute to a transgender actor first. ("The Face of the Shell") in 2017, in which she played the role of a character originally written as an Asian character.

Robert Sanders is expected to release the new film, which is also the director of "Ghost in the Shell"

Some people see this as a continuation of Scarlett, 33, accepting roles that would not have had to be approved.

Some people say they do not understand the controversy over the news, saying that the role of the actors is to accept different roles than what they actually are.

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