Scientists announce the discovery of the world's oldest colors


Canberra – d

Published on:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 – 10:00 am
| Last update:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 – 10:00 am

Scientists believe they have discovered the world's oldest light-pink color and hope this discovery will shed light on the mystery of life on Earth.

A study published in the scientific journal BNS concludes that researchers have discovered The colors, produced by parasites and blue bacteria, were extracted from rocks dating back 1.1 billion years found in clay mud black under the Sahara in Mauritania.

Scientists said the colors were "the oldest organic color" on the discoveries of previous colors.

Noor Guinell, Scientist at the University of Ast "Bright pink colors are the fossil particles of chlorophyll that result from the photosynthesis of organisms that lived in an ancient environment that has since disappeared long time."

Researchers crushed powdered rocks before

Particle color ranged from dark red to dark purple in their concentrated state, and pale pink when diluted.

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