Sharjah Charity Sponsors AED 10 Million for 17 Initiatives on National Day – Dubai


Sharjah Charity Society (SCO) has allocated about $ 10 million
Implement 17 initiatives on the occasion of the 47th National State Day, split between
5 internal initiatives worth AED 7 million, 260,000 and 12 foreign equities worth
About two million and 400,000 dirhams.

The Company's internal initiatives include patient care and the distribution of food and clothing baskets
Winter bags for workers and Umrah facilitation for workers, families in need and students
Science and stakeholders, while external initiatives include operations
A surgical and medical camp starts in Bangladesh and lays the foundation stone for the training institute
Nurses from Kenya and Niger laid the foundation stone for a clinic and the opening of a village
DH Praise's donors, as well as many other charitable projects in a number of
States of Asia and Africa.

Abdullah Sultan bin Khadem, board member and director of the association, said
Executive Director, said at a press conference that the association was keen to offer a variety of
Internal and external initiatives on the occasion of the National Day for almost a decade
This package deals with social projects and health and family support
As well as the distribution of food to needy and needy families
It's a glorious day.

And the son of the servant of the call for benefactors, donors and benefactors
Continue to support the Assembly, its work, projects and initiatives as they are
Always contributing to his support to carry out his mission, to reach different
Slides and categories payable inside and outside the state.

– Petel –

WAM / Batoul Keshwani / Abdel-Nasser Menem / Wajih Al-Rehebi

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