"Sharjah Movie" tells the story of art VII


At its sixth session, the Sharjah Film Festival yesterday tackled the most important historical turning points of the cinema during a dialogue session entitled "Cinema between yesterday and today" organized on the sidelines of the Al Jawhar Center. for events and conferences in Sharjah.

The seminar was moderated by Mohamed Abu Arab, director of the jury, feature film jury member Hamad Al Shehabi, and director of student films Mohamed Ibrahim, who presented to the public the historical narrative of the films. most important works of the seventh art. Arts

Al-Shihabi began by discussing the history of the film industry and the great service provided by the first French filmmaking brothers Lumiere, as well as their role in modern cinema, before turning to filmmakers who were involved in the film industry. kind of art and transformation And opened the way to the existence of cinema in its current form.

Great experience

Director Mohamed Ibrahim pointed out that cinema had suffered a lot from the lack of techniques and methods used in his sector, pointing out that filmmakers faced many obstacles in the past, pointing out that they had brought many directors, producers and directors to create more options. Developed from traditional to modern.

He underlined the role Egypt played in the flourishing of Arab cinema, noting that Arab cinema relied not only on Arab elements, but also used European expertise to make the film more accessible. 39 experience and develop its skills as a collaborative and collaborative work in the cinema. Paved the way for the prolific production of Egyptian cinema, which has drawn attention to Arab cinema in its widest form.

A necessary event

Abdullah Al-Humairi, member of the Sharjah Children's Film Festival Student Film Jury, said the festival has become a necessary event to develop the skills of children and new generations and to improve their knowledge of the latest methods and standards of the film industry. Because they live in a reality that has excellent tools and technological components.

Al-Humiri began his speech at a panel discussion titled "The Film Industry and Social Networking Platforms" organized by the festival last Thursday, evoking the fact that he was dreaming of being a part of the world. a cinema in the UAE, for lack of technical means, but now the circumstances were different. A large number of social media platforms, which in turn have expanded the field of film publishing, are a communication tool that tells, tells, tells, presents and contributes to the public.

"There are now many specialized ways to stream movies, and we never imagined that movies would be shown outside cinemas, but now there are electronic platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, and iTunes. other sites offering a variety of new quality films High quality of the participants, which represents a qualitative leap in the reality of international cinema in general.

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