Sharjah police rescue citizen whose vehicle brakes were disrupted on Malihah road


The general command of the Sharjah police was able to rescue a citizen who had lost control of his cars by driving them after the braking system stopped the vehicle while he was driving at 140 km / h on the road to Malihah towards the emirate of Sharjah.

The efforts of the Central Operations Room, in coordination with the Angad patrols on the outside routes, ensured the safety of the driver and not to be prejudiced by the fact that the instructions followed and the instructions received by telephone from The central operations center agent had been implemented with extreme precision, which solved the problem and allow the driver to stop the vehicle. For a record time.

In a phone call from a woman at 9:30 am on Sunday, October 28, the central operations room officer said the brakes were not responding to the vehicle and were losing control of it. The commander of the vehicle traveling on the Malihah road towards Sharjah immediately activated the emergency plan for a rapid response in such a case, in coordination between the Department of Operations and the patrols of the external roads of the Department of Traffic. and patrols, where Aldo Traffic follows the vehicle and makes room to avoid any danger that may pose a danger to other vehicles.

The Swedish lieutenant stated that the driver had been contacted by telephone, calmed, guided and guided to control the vehicle in this emergency situation and ensure that he was connected to the seat belt and to the driver. Activation of the alarm signals to ensure safety and attention, as well as follow the instructions accompanied by patrols until the vehicle stabilizes and stops completely on the road, threatens the safety of the driver and road users.

Sharjah police also called on drivers to ensure the vehicle's continued safety and respect for the general maintenance of the vehicle and its components, as well as compliance with speed limits on the road, as well as guidance on how to drive. hold and control the vehicle in case of emergency or sudden breakages for the safety of users. The road

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