"Sharjah Police Research" and "Department of Statistics" discuss the development of the scientific partnership


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The Sharjah Police Research Center and a delegation of the Department of Statistics and Community Development discuss the best ways to develop the scientific partnership between them and to implement a series of activities to accelerate the communautary development. Preparation of a protocol agreement between the two parties and overcome any difficulties that hinder the scientific cooperation between them and easily obtain the required data and information and provide the scientific support required by the Research Center in the field future studies in addition to discussing the possibility of holding a joint symposium. Dr. Abdul Moneim Hashim Abu Nuwar, Community Development Expert, Hanan Mohammed Abbutoh, Documentation and Reporting Officer, Assam Abdulhameed Al Jasmi, Planning and Development Officer, and Naeema Nasser Al Aboudi, Research Manager, Center for police research of the university town. Brigadier Dr. Khalid Al-Hammadi emphasized the Center's concern to cooperate with Sharjah's Department of Statistics and Community Development in all areas and activities that support the efforts of both sides in achieving their strategic goals [19659004]. auto 30px; width: 468px; height: 60px;}


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