Sharp presents one of two telephone operators – UAE Urgent News


Oud Al Hazm

Last year, Sharp launched the Aquos R Compact, a phone with a small camera on the top edge and a huge edge at the bottom of the sensor. footprint. The phone was not fantastic in terms of design. But for the release of this year, the company has found a new solution to increase the size of the screen while maintaining the sensor fingerprint. So she provided …

Last year, Sharp launched the Aquos R Compact, a phone with a small camera on the top edge and a huge edge at the bottom of the sensor. footprint. The phone was not fantastic in terms of design. But for the release of this year, the company has found a new solution to increase the size of the screen while retaining the fingerprint sensor. That's why the Aquos R2 Compact phone comes in two versions.

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This new version includes a 5.2-inch IGZO LCD screen and a resolution of 2280 x 1080p, which includes a front camera and a fingerprint sensor. It is clear that the design of this device has been significantly improved. This phone will be one of the most powerful on the market: its Snapdragon 845 processor with 4 GB of RAM, its Android 9 Pie operating system, a 22.6 megapixel camera and a 2500 mA battery.

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There may be controversy about bumps, because the idea of ​​extrusion itself is not acceptable for some, but the phone is the most advanced phone among Android phones in terms of small screen, design modern and thin edges, the previous version of the Aquos R Compact used Snapdragon 660 medium range.

Unfortunately, R2 will probably stay in Japan when it launches next year.

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