Shazam can share music on Instagram's story as soon as possible – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

The merge has become widespread across different types of applications in order to expand and provide more functionality to the general public: the famous Shazam app, which allows you to recognize different music tracks, allows you to share your piece of music with your audience. Application. The user can enjoy …

Shazam allows you to share music on an Instagram story once you've recognized it "width =" 2000 "height =" 1450 "data-lazy-srcset =" http: // com / wd / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / dims.jpg 2000w, 150w, wd / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / dims-300x218.jpg 300w, /2018/11/dims-768x557.jpg 768w, 1024w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px

The merge has become widespread across different types of applications in order to expand and provide more functionality to the general public: the famous Shazam app, which allows you to recognize different music tracks, allows you to share your piece of music with your audience. Application.

The user can take advantage of this sharing feature when he identifies a particular music path via the Shazam app, where he can click on the participation icon, which will naturally contain the ### ### ### ############################################################################ 39 sharing option via Instagram to publish the image of the song on Asturi, with an icon titled "More Through Shazam". Clicking on it will take you to the song page of the application.

According to Shazam, the new feature is now available for both versions of the iOS version in their latest update and will soon be available for the Android version without specifying a specific launch time.

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