She seeks alimony and custody after leaving her 4-year-old daughter


  She seeks alimony after leaving her 4-year-old daughter
claiming support after leaving her 4-year-old daughter

A mother abandoned her maternity and left her 7-month-old baby.

However, she refused to return to the state, after four years of recidivism to be reimbursed for the costs of custody and custody of the girl, but the husband tried for four years to dissuade the mother to entrust the child. Child to his mother. . The head of the social support department of the Dubai Human Rights Department, Fatima al-Kindi, said that her husband had refused to enforce a court ruling regarding custody of the girl and alimony. more than 100,000 dirhams.

confirming that she left the girl less than 7 months old and did not respond to the husband's contacts and tries to return to the UAE to take care of her daughter, and continued to break 4 years after entrusting her daughter to her mother's "grandmother child" It is known that the woman came to the state and sued him for the maintenance of marriage and custody of the girl and actually granted to the law that right.

Fatima pointed out that the administration persuaded the father and set a date for the mother to see her daughter after 4 years, but refused to return to her nerve after leaving her child and announced news during all these years.

Journal of Al-Bayan

Source: Al-Nilin

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